Tuesday 19 July 2022

Cis Women, Trans Women, Just What is Womanhood?

 I was thinking about Macy Gray's interview on Piers Morgan's flop show today and how she said that Cis Women are different from Trans Women in that womanhood has to be earned. But when she was asked "What is a woman?" she couldn't quite answer. She said something about having boobs. But I counter that with this:

Are these not boobs? 

When you really think about it, the whole "anti-trans movement" is based on a very singular idea of what womanhood looks like. And when you don't look like that idea of womanhood, you are made to feel like "less of a woman."

What utter bullshit.

Women who have had breast cancer and have had to have a mastectomy are made to feel as if their womanhood is moot. God forbid you have your uterus removed. Literally you have no more purpose in life.

So, we agree that "womanhood" as defined by the patriarchy is about:

a. Being attractive to a cis man.

b. Being a life support system for a vagina/womb.

Your "usefulness" to society is predicated upon you being able to birth children or pleasure a cis heterosexual man. Aside from that, you are not counted as a "woman." 

I mean...

And so since trans women have no vaginas then they are useless to the patriarchy and so they are not women. Isn't it ironic that women who call themselves "feminist" are supporting this idea? I've always hated the word feminist - to me it was always associated with some white woman's idea of who I should be, what I should like, which books were acceptable for me to read...just a whole lot of stuffing me in a box I didn't fit in.

I've never fit in with anyone's idea of womanhood. Does that mean I'm not a woman? 

This whole debate is ridiculous if you dig even a little below the surface.

p.s. Happy 40th Birthday to the very boobalicious Jared Padalecki. He who said, "You Define You."

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