Monday 21 March 2022

Of Pen Names and Erotica

 I'm trying to get in the erotica space and giving myself a new name to see if I sell more books if my name sounds less black.

It's an experiment. 

So I have two books out, under the pen name, Monica Lerato. So far they're not doing better than books under my name. It's only been two months though and advertising books in the erotica space is different. You can't just tell your friends and they probably won't tell you if they read them.

Also the publishing industry is ran by puritans and they don't even want to display your book in their sites if it's erotica. I'm still learning my way about. I'll see how it goes. 

Time will tell.

Meanwhile, I won't tell you to read the books but I'll just leave the widgets here and turn my face away.


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