Tuesday 30 January 2024

Gaslighting 101 - And I'm Sick of It

There's a genocide going on in Palestine. 

It's obvious to Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, and Hellen Keller, may she rest in peace. 

N.B. (In case you don't know who those are, Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder are accomplished black American musicians who are also blind and Hellen Keller is an American writer who was both blind and deaf) - There, I saved you a Google search.

However, there is a certain imperialist subsection of society insisting on the right to not call this a genocide. They aren't saying it isn't. They're just saying you can't call it that. When they hear you call it that, they become very upset.

You might lose your job, or be evicted from your house, or get deported.

It's like those white women who are more concerned with not being called racist rather than with actually not being a racist. 

I mean...these people are diabolical and clearly living in another plane of mental illness but what I don't understand is why we all indulge them.

Israel doesn't want to be called a terrorist genocidal state? Okay then, everyone tiptoes around it and tries to appease. They try to find other words to call this situation or worse, try to convince these people that they are wrong. As if they don't know.

People are being so careful with their language so as not to offend and the people that they are trying not to offend are busy saying shit like this.

We have discovered that the so-called violent massacre of October 7th was just Israelis instituting the Hannibal directive on their own people. Furthermore, Hamas has shown more interest in giving back hostages than Israel has shown in taking them. 
But somehow, we're supposed to turn a blind eye and just continue to assume that Israel is good, and Palestine is bad.

There's a certain level of dumb that is required in order to live comfortably in this world and I don't have it. And sometimes I just want to scream in people's faces, "STOP. FUCKING. LYING!"

Because it's one thing to expect us to put up with things like this. It's another to have to smile about it and pretend everything is fine.

It's not.
Everything is fucked. 
You know there's a book by that name that I had begun to read. It started with a story about Witold Pilecki who was the first person to alert the world about the holocaust. To the surprise of no one who has lived through the last four years, nobody believed him.
Long story short, he infiltrated Auschwitz with the faith that 'the good guys' would send reinforcements and he'd be able to save everyone. 
Well, that didn't happen.

How long are we going to keep swallowing this baloney and calling it pork chops? Aren't you tired? I'm tired.

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