Tuesday 5 February 2019


It's nine days to launch day for Cinderella By Any Other Name. Have you pre-ordered a copy yet? The price goes up after you know? So take advantage.
Why would you want to read this book you ask?
Well, if you notice, for the last week, I have been giving you various reasons why this book is a great addition to your bookshelf. I didn't tell you that was what I was doing, but I should hope it was obvious.
I shall continue to give you lots of behind the scenes insights, the vagaries of launching a book without a marketing plan, and just the struggle that is writing, authoring and marketing while holding down a freelance career in which you take on more work than you can handle because what even is no?
I'm proud of myself that I have managed to blog daily in this launch period and give you something to think about. When you create something that you know is good, you're always excited to share it with the world and see how it impacts other people.
At the same time, you always worry whether you got it right. Was the editing thorough? Is that the right cover? Did I make a huge faux pas writing about a culture of which I am not part?
Even though I do that every day as a ghostwriter, it's different when your name is on the book.
I mean, you'll tell me if I fucked up right?
Okay then, cool, back to your regularly scheduled programming.

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