Thursday 14 February 2019

Welcome to Book Launch Day!

Cinderella By Any Other Name goes live today. Happy Launch Day!
I'm dedicating this launch day to Rep. Ilhan Omar who is a former Somali refugee and now a US congresswoman who is receiving a lot of flack this week for calling out Israel. I guess this is how South Africa was viewed in the eighties by the world huh? Where the oppressed were the terrorists and the oppressors were the good guys. And to say otherwise is apparently - in this case - antisemitic.
I don't care, call me antisemitic if you like. Israel is absolutely, completely, no two sides about it, in the wrong.
Palestine is experiencing apartheid. And Rep. Omar is being bullied into resigning over simply pointing it out. Its racism is what it is. It's racism and prejudice because she's an African and a Muslim. Why do people allow this bullshit to continue?
Anyway, back to the book launch.
Do you fancy a Muslim, Arranged Marriage, Coming of Age story that is not a romance. I mean sure there is some sex - married people sex - but its not really meant to titillate you. I'd like to know how many of you can relate but I know you won't say so if you do. Married people keep their secrets right? Well, maybe you can discuss it among yourselves in your married people book clubs.
I love to spark conversation, especially controversial conversation but one thing I've realized over the years is that very few people are willing to have sincere and honest discussions about the hard truths right? So we're all living in our little pods and thinking, "this is only happening to me." and its such a huge revelation to realize that other people go through the same things too.
Last month when I was ovulating, I had the most horrible back pain. I couldn't even straighten up. And I googled ovulation back pain on the internet to see what could be done about it. At the end of one of the articles I read was the phrase: "Another reason to look forward to menopause."
I almost collapsed and died right there because all this time I've been thinking I'm the only weirdo on the planet looking forward to menopause. Yep I can't wait for the day I stop menstruating. And I thought I was the most progressive thinker in the universe who didn't think that somehow menopause was the end of womanhood.
That article opened my eyes. Probably every single being who menstruates looks forward to menopause but MEN assume that it's a horrible thing because many of them see us as life support systems for vaginas. So we must be heartbroken not to be able to have these 'womanly functions' that indicate we can have their babies. It all makes sense now.
So anyway, shout out to you all if you can relate to any part of this book. If anything rings authentically true to your life. I'd love to talk to you about it. I'm all about that life. So click on the link, cop your copy and let's get this party started.
The price goes up after today.

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