Monday 4 February 2019

Sharing is Caring

21 Savage has been arrested by ICE because he is apparently, a British national. Now if that isn't the most 2019 thing to happen in 2019 I do not know what is. 21 was allegedly existing on an expired visa, but he makes a nice segue way for us to talk about displaced persons and how we view them.
When you think displaced person, what do you visualize?
Personally, I visualize torn dirty clothes, ashy skin, thin to malnourished looking frame, big eyes, hungry child, hopeless adult.
Poverty porn in another words.
We Africans do love to write about poverty porn right? Poverty porn sells.
But that's not the real world is it? Displaced persons come in all shapes and sizes including Grammy nominated superstars, members of congress...remember Emmanuel Jal, the child soldier turned singer?
Then of course there is the everyday refugee who might not make it big but they are hustling day in, day out like the rest of us. Like Nadia and her family. I gave them a house in South C because let's face it, a lot of Somali and Sudanese refugees reside there. They contribute to the economy, they go to work and they go to school.
They're just ordinary people.
And if they are suffering trauma thanks to their experiences, they keep it to themselves. Just like we all do.
I mean I'm not saying shout it from the rooftops, but if you are in emotional crisis, talk to somebody. A professional is good. Someone who will listen with no judgement. With whom you can vent.
The worst thing that you can do, in the wake of trauma, is to keep it to yourself.
Don't believe me? Ask Nadia.

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