Wednesday 20 February 2019

Macro and Micro Marketing as a Self-Published Author

So proud of myself, look, I have a serious post title. It's like I'm a real blogger or something.

Did you already read Cinderella By Any Other Name? If not, it's the featured book right there on my right so just click preview or buy and go ahead and read it. I had someone get back to me right on launch day to say she'd bought it and was about to start reading. First time that has happened. I mean people have gotten back to me but not with such immediacy.
It was nice.
Anyway, if I tell you that she loved the story you're going to think I'm just book marketing, so I won't. I will say we had exactly one of those discussions I talk about wanting to have on here. This one was about the Role of Women in Society and Why We Carry The Burden of Our Family's Wellbeing.
It was very satisfying.
More please!
I have enjoyed marketing this book in a I-don't-know-what-I'm-doing kind of way. It was fun and it connected with an audience I think. I also felt quite a bit of ownership of the subject matter in terms of being able to relate just as a woman and an older child - though not the firstborn. Also, the story was set in Nairobi. My first story set completely in my home town. It does make a difference when you set a story in a place you know through personal experience rather than reading about it or watching movies about it.
And even as it's a very local story, I felt like it told a really universal story. I'll have to wait and see how many of you agree with that sentiment.
This post is turning out very self-congratulatory and it wasn't meant to be that.
I am here to tell you about book marketing because I've been trying various things to try to see what works, what works better, and what doesn't work at all.
Now when it comes to just entertaining my regular followers, I think I am killing it at Instagram. I decided when I opened an author account to just be myself in the most genuine way possible while still trying to be professional. Feedback says people enjoy my posts but my audience grows slowly. Please do follow the link in the top bar and hit the follow. I promise you don't have bought one of my books to enjoy my posts. They are designed to entertain.
I think Instagram helps me move my free books the most. People enjoy the posts and the captions, maybe they see that 'oh, this one's free' and they like the cover, so they go download it. So that's step one done. Hopefully if they like the story, they look at 'other books by' and maybe they buy another book.
I'm not so sure about my Facebook page. I think it's a good place for news and perhaps the very occasional book buyer. It's a more obligatory online presence place where you can find out everything I'm up to as pertains to my books. My twitter is great for connecting with authors, marketers and for creating awareness. Just last week, I saw that someone was looking for book recs, so I tweeted her the link to Child of Destiny. Got a lot of retweets and a book sale out of that. Of course there is no direct correlation between the twitter link and the book sale except that the timing fits.
That's micro marketing.
One on one.
I think I get more sales that way than the macro, go big or go home way.
I'm an Indie Author, I do not have name recognition, but if I ask you personally to check out this link - when you have asked for a rec in my genre - and leave it up to you to decide to buy or not, I find that in one out of twenty interactions, I might make a sale.
It's not even that time-consuming if you spend as much time as I do, procrastinating on social media. It's more a matter of recognizing an opportunity when it slaps you in the face.
I mean I loved my two week launch but I think I look at it as more of an opportunity to create awareness rather than generate massive sales.
I did generate some sales which is always awesome.
So now it's back to my regularly scheduled programming.
Wow, what do you think of this mess with Jussie Smollett? I'm witholding judgement until someone explains the why of it to me. Make it make sense somebody. Sometimes I think the world is going mad and the apocalypse is already here.
That's why you should escape into my books. *whispers* (that's macro marketing).

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